Lytec EHR

Lytec EHR

Lytec EHR + Medical Billing Software with Lytec MD

Lytec is more than an EHR + medical billing software. Our robust full suite covers all of your office needs – from billing and coding to patient scheduling and reporting. With Lytec MD, you’ll receive everything to make your practice great – including the benefits of a CCHIT-certified EHR software. With Lytec MD’s comprehensive tools, you’ll spend less time managing tasks, and more time treating your patients.

Lytec MD EHR Key Features

  • Provider Dashboard – Get quick access to important information like upcoming appointments, lab results, and messages all from one easy screen.
  • Electronic Superbills – Reduce the time it takes to create superbills with automatically generated codes from your progress notes
  • Health Maintenance – Web access to hundreds of protocols based on demographics and conditions specific to your patient.
  • E-Prescribing – Save time and money while improving prescription safety with drug interaction and allergy checks.
  • Advanced Reporting – Generate reports based on quality of care, pay performance reporting, and standard queries (for example, all diabetics who have a Hemoglobin A1c greater than 7.5).
  • Data Sharing – Import/export CCD or CCR formats to share and receive data from other EHRs.
  • Customize Chart View – Choose what you see in your patient chart based on physician and/or specialty.

Lytec EHR vs other EMRs

While an EMR is a digitized medical chart, an EHR system is a little different. An EHR (electronic health record) system is a digitized system of all types of health information. It provides a holistic view of a patient’s records and is easily accessible by different providers. An EMR, on the other hand, is used within individual practices and not meant to be shared. Cloud technology supports both EMR and EHR systems. It provides practically unlimited storage capacity for records for extended periods of time. This technology also ensures that there is no data loss and patient information is protected from any natural or artificial disasters.

Learn more about EMR vs EHR

Lytec MD EHR Chart Screenshot

Lytec MD EMR Chart Screenshot

Lytec MD EHR Provider Dashboard Screenshot

Lytec MD EMR Provider Dashboard Screenshot

Lytec Medical Billing Software

Lytec medical billing software handles your practice management needs as well as your electronic medical records, with features including:

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