Tablets could be key to medical practice management

Doctors who have already made the switch to electronic medical records often report problems when using the software during patient interaction on a standard desktop computer. In fact, recent studies show that the majority of physicians are unhappy with their computer systems and how they affect their ability to effectively run and manage their practice and patient interactions.

Many physicians in small facilities need to stick close to their desktops while meeting with patients due to the lack of mobility and relatively slow speeds of this type of technology.

However, more doctors are looking to top-selling tablets such as the iPad and TouchPad for solutions to this problem. As of 2011, nearly one-third of all physicians have made the switch to the device for the benefits this technology can provide, according to the Knowledge Networks.

One of the reasons for this quick transition is that doctors can now gain increased mobility with a tablet, entering important data into EMR software while maintaining eye contact with their patients. This interaction is key, as reports of frosty interactions with one patient could soon cause others to migrate to another facility where they feel their medical problems are being given more attention and care.

The features of these devices can help doctors ensure other areas of their business are running smoothly. For example, by giving physicians the ability to draw or write on images, these professionals can ensure their notes are always kept on file for future viewing. Even photos can be quickly taken in high quality and then exported to digital records or shown to patients eager for updates on their conditions.

While a tablet can be beneficial, doctors need quality EMR software. For instance, older versions of these programs may cause the tablet to respond more slowly to commands. Before choosing a tablet, doctors should conduct research on a trusted provider – such as Medisoft, Lytec, Practice Choice and Allscripts – that can help them enhance the management of their facility with troubleshooting assistance and fast connectivity.

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