physician credentialing service

Lytec End of the year billing and reports

Tips and Tricks Meeting (User Group)

Welcome to our monthly Lytec free training with Tips & Tricks. In this meeting, we will demonstrate how to get the best out of your Lytec investment and use the software to its maximum potential.

1. Best Year End Practice Report
2. Maximize Insurance Reimbursement

Medisoft Year End Report

Medisoft End of the year billing and reports 2019

Tips and Tricks Meeting (User Group)

Welcome to our monthly Medisoft free training with Tips & Tricks. In this meeting, we will demonstrate how to get the best out of your Medisoft investment and use the software to its maximum potential.

Whether you post payments manually or use electronic remittances, let us show you six easy steps to make your billing more accurate than ever by creating precise adjustment codes that match your EOB.