CMS puts hold on eprescribing report due to hardship demands

In recent weeks, a number of news stories have indicated that eprescribing is being used by doctors around the country to improve patient health, curb prescription drug abuse and reduce costs for the private practices and small medical facilities that rely on the software. However, a recent report indicates some of these facilities may be struggling to afford this beneficial new technology.

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), its 2012 eRx Payment Adjustment Feedback Report has been canceled due to the large amount of hardship exemptions the agency received.

"Any materials that make reference to this report are being removed or revised," CMS said in a December 2 press release. "Please disregard any language that references this report in the October 18, 2011 National Provider Call presentation or transcript."

CMS said it would continue to look for alternative ways to notify medical professionals as to whether they need to review remittance claims, and detailed how certain groups of eligible providers could expect this information to be disbursed in the future.

For example, facilities that received a payment adjustment that was inaccurate, CMS said the exemption would be reprocessed with a return of 1 percent, the release said. The number of filings may have increased this year, as the American Medical Association had negotiated with CMS for an extension this past November.

Facilities that have not applied for the hardship exemption this year may want to think about investing any surplus revenue in other beneficial technology. For instance, Medisoft and Lytec EMR software can help facilities improve their eprescribing as both medical IT tools work best in tandem. To find out about the range of benefits and options available to them, medical professionals should turn to an experienced consulting service that can also provide top-quality products.

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