EHR Sales to Physician Segment Increasing Faster than Hospitals

doctor with iPadA recent report by Kalorama Information, a medical market research publisher, indicates that Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems sales to physicians are growing faster than EHR sales to hospitals.

Sales of EHRs to physicians grew 22% in 2011 over 2010, and Kalorama’s report also found increasing physician acceptance and sales results.  The report further determined that CMS’ incentive program has played a role in doctors’ implementation of electronic documentation.  Competition in the EHR market is heaviest in products sold to physicians as well, with large healthcare solutions providers competing with established EMR specialists, presenting challenges for new entrants to the market.

Allscripts MyWay, Medisoft Clinical, and Lytec MD are leading products in the EHR field, and Microwize Technology can provide its considerable experience to the implementation process.

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