Would you please forward this email to technical people at Lytec that can determine if there is an infection, or if AVG is rendering a false positive? See if they can advise on a remedy, please. We can choose to add these 2 files as an exception, or quarantine them. ThanksJim An AVG CloudCare High-Priority Alert Occurred.Description: The device is infected with a security threat.Details: Threat Name: Trojan horse BackDoor.Generic_c.ACEWThreat Severity: Object is infected by a virus or a trojanThreat Source: Threat detected while running an AVG scanThreat State: The object is infectedObject Path: C:Program FilesLytec 2014RCMMS19.dllCustomer: Area Agency on Aging Region OneGroup: DefaultDevice: 7B0PQC1Date and Time: October 30, 2014 19:29Notes: Alert Name: Default