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  • #49027
    Robert Gabriel

    For G0444 (depression screen): Z13.89 (the BCBS guide says that “Part of any problem or preventive office visit”);

    For G0446 (counseling for cardiovascular disease prevention): Z71.3;

    For G0445: STI Counseling): Z71.7, Z71.89, Z72.51, Z72.52, Z72.53;

    For 99406-99407: (Counseling for tobacco use): There are many associated ICD-10 codes. I am listing a few. The remainder are in the attached BCBS guide:
    F17.200, F17.201, F17.210, F17.211, F17.220, F17.221, F17.290, F17.291, Z87.891, Z72.0, Z71.6, Z34.00, Z34.01, Z34.02, Z34.03, Z34.80, Z34.81, Z34.82, Z34.83, Z34.90, Z34.91, Z34.92,Z34.93, Z33.1

    For G0447 (obesity counseling): Z00.121, Z00.129, Z00.110, Z00.111, Z13.89, Z13.220, Z13.228, Z13.29;

    For G0442 or G0443 (alcohol misuse counseling): Z13.89, F10.10, F10.120, F10.129 (the BCBS guide says that “these codes are to be used in the absence of a wellness

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