primesuite v17.30 what is new

Greenway 17.30 Improvements

Expected release: Late February / Early March 2016

Updates based on 11,680 points of Ideas on the Greenway Community.


ICD-10 Additions:

  • Prenatal flow sheets now has ICD-10 column and enhanced search options.
  • Greenway Primesuite Review
  • Added primary and secondary codes (code pairs) showing new icons for diagnosis code searching
    • An “m” will show next to the diagnosis code, indicating that there are more specific codes under the general ICD-10 code.
    • Greenway Primesuite EHR
  • A number in a box will appear next to the diagnosis code showing how many further specified ICD-10 codes are related to that general ICD-10 code
  • Code pairs will allow visibility to the related ICD-9 / ICD-10 codes
    • Using code icons below, code pairs will be visible while ordering labs and tests.
  • Codes pairs will also be visible in assessment and plan.

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  • Ability to undo diagnosis code mapping
    • As codes become more familiar, you can undo the mapping to a general ICD-10 code and select a more specified code in the assessment.
    • Greenway Primesuite Review
  • More specific codes available in template admin.
  • “m+” and the number within the box will allow drilling down to choose the correct specified code.
  • Greenway Primesuite Cost


  • Code Mapper streamlined for ICD-10 mapping
    • Diagnosis quick search will show codes for ICD-9 and ICD-10, with visual indicators for codes with a higher specificity.
  • Ability to “free text” in the code mapper has been removed to lessen errors on claims.

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Immunization Enhancements:

  • Immunization enhancements to comply with state registry standards
    • Dose amount is now separate from unit of measurement.
    • When a dose amount is entered, the unit of measurement is mandatory.
    • Greenway Primesuite Cost
    • For recorded doses, dose amount is optional.
    • Funding source is now available with recorded doses
      • This field can be enabled or disabled based on state requirements.
      • Funding sources can be selected from a provided list or an “Other” option is available.

Greenway Primesuite EHR

  • Immunization refusal
    • Immunization refusal information required for some states.
    • When the “Refused” option is taken on the immunization, there is now a “Refusal Reason” that will appear.
    • Greenway Primesuite Review
    • Reasons can be chosen from a hardcoded list.
    • This can be set as a required field under System Settings > Chart Default.
  • NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) field added to Insurance Company and Insurance Plan.
    • Depends on state registries’ requirements.
    • Greenway Primesuite Cost



Practice Enhancements:

  • Collections Worklist
    • There is now a “Select All” option to update all collections with an action.
    • Has the ability to filter on more information and new flags; codes and flags can also be excluded from search results.
    • Information available for how many statements went out to the patient before and during collections.
    • Greenway Primesuite Cost
  • Patients can now be marked as Inactive
    • This will bring up a patient inactivation dialog that asks for the inactivation reason and effective date.
    • Greenway Primesuite Review
    • If “Duplicate” is chosen as inactivation reason, it will have you select the duplicated patient and label which is active and which is inactive.
    • Patient is marked as inactive when they are labeled as deceased.
    • Any patients that are marked as deceased at the time of the upgrade to 17.30 will automatically be marked as inactive.
    • When a patient is marked deceased, options are given to cancel all upcoming appointments, requests, recalls, and reminders.
    • Greenway Primesuite Cost
  • Patient Search: Updates for patient, person, or demographics searches
    • Phone field is added to search that will search all phone numbers provided in patients’ demographics (ex: Work, Cell, Home)
    • Phone number entered in Patient Search to Add New patient will automatically be save as the Home number and Primary phone fields.
    • Maiden name now available as a patient search field.
    • Inactive patients can be included/excluded using the icon upper right hand corner.
    • Greenway Primesuite Tutorial
  • National Drug Code on Superbill
    • Using a procedure that has NDC information will show NDC information on superbill.
    • It will open fields for NDC quantity, and allow for NDC information to be edited and sent to charges screen.
    • Greenway Primesuite Cost
  • Adding Document Status on Patient List
    • This helps to know which notes have been authenticated, and will show providers which notes they still need to look at.
    • Document status available as a filter in the patient list.
    • Document statuses – Authenticated (Provider has viewed/signed), In Progress (Open but not signed by provider), and Multiple (There are multiple documents that the provider needs to review).
    • Greenway Primesuite EMR
  • Diagnosis Description in Orders Requisition
    • The diagnosis description is now able to be viewed from Orders Requisition.
    • Greenway Primsuite Review
  • Auto-Calculate Icon for Surescripts eRx
    • Enabled by clicking icon next to “Duration” in Prescribe New Medication Screen, prior to putting in the Dispense, Primesuite will calculate the Duration for you.
    • Sig must be very specific; this will not function if the Sig uses PRN, As Needed, As Directed, etc., or if the instructions have been modified.
    • Greenway Primesuite Cost
  • Medicare PPS Combo Claims
    • Two claims in PrimeSuite can be combined to one claim.
    • In CHC Settings, Allow Combo Claims can be checked off and a “Days to Hold Claims” field will determine how many days to wait for a secondary claim before submitting the first claim.
    • Greenway Primesuite Review
    • In Claim Processing, the claim submission modal will show which claims will be combined and these can also be edited to separate the claims that were marked as Combo claims.

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Future Expected Updates for Greenway 17.40 (July 2016)

  • Continued ICD-10 Improvements
  • Identity proofing for Surescripts
  • Meaningful Use 3
  • Continued Interoperability improvements (for eRx and care planning)
  • Growth chart enhancements
  • Notes “On Behalf Of”
  • eCoupon Opt in

New updates are coming in Greenway Patient v3.13

New updates are coming in Greenway Patient v3.13!

New Features

Medications page and refill request
Patients now have an easier way to review their medications and submit refill requests from the new Medications page in the My Health section. Rather than sending a secure message, they now have a form to complete. The form can be configured from Setup menu in the Admin side of the portal.

Account Balance
On the Pay My Bill page, patients are now able to view their account balance.

More information about these features is available on the Customer Community at Greenway Patient for Prime Suite.

Fixed items

Practice Phone Number
The practice phone number is now optional in the Practice Settings on the Admin side of the portal.

Tests and Procedures on My Health Summary page
The Tests and Procedures sections now display items in reverse chronological order – the most recent items are displayed first.

Remove Access Link in Prime Suite
The “Remove Access” link located in the portal invitation section on the Registration – Information page in Prime Suite is now fixed. If a duplicate patient was mistakenly invited to Greenway Patient, clicking this link will remove their access and allow the practice to send an invite to the correct patient account.

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