Meaningful Use Incentive Recipients Being Audited

meaningful useThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has begun auditing healthcare providers who have received Medicare and Medicaid meaningful use incentive payments.  Accounting firm Figliozzi & Company is acting on CMS’ behalf as an auditor for the EHR Incentive Program and has contacted some providers by letter.

CMS is required to audit providers who attests to receive incentive payments for meaningful use.  Healthcare providers who are selected to be audited will have two weeks to submit the requested documentation, which falls into four categories:

  • a copy of the ONC certification for the Electronic Health Records software being used
  • documentation about the method used to report emergency department admissions
  • documentation showing that attestation for the core set of meaningful use criteria has been completed
  • documentation showing that attestation for the required number of “menu set” or voluntary meaningful use objectives and measures has been completed

EHR / EMR software such as McKesson Practice Choice and Allscripts MyWay can be used to achieve meaningful use and receive incentive payments.  Contact a healthcare IT consultant at Microwize Technology for more information.

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