Mobile Platform for Clinical Data

doctor with iPadSan Antonio-based AirStrip Technologies and California’s Palomar Health have teamed up to open up clinical data access to providers through a mobile platform.  Palomar Health, comprising two hospitals and clinics for home health care, ambulatory care, wound care, and surgery among others in southern California, is a leading proponent of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement, with its existing Medical Information Anytime Anywhere (MIAA) platform accommodating and taking advantage of the fact that many of the system’s physicians were bringing their own mobile devices to work.

A BYOD platform can get users on board more quickly by allowing their devices to be used on the network, rather than forcing them to adapt to a particular tablet or smartphone and possibly carry around extra devices.  Mobile tech developer AirStrip Technologies will integrate Palomar’s MIAA with its own mobile application platform, allowing providers to access data from medical devices and from Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, even outside the traditional hospital setting.  The platform will also allow for voice/video/text messaging and integrate with the Direct Project of the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN).

Microwize Technology can offer its able assistance in EHR implementation and training for systems like Allscripts MyWay, McKesson Practice Choice, and Lytec MD.

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