NY State EPCS goes electronic controlled substances

NY State EPCS goes electronic controlled substances

Prescribing Controlled Substances in McKesson Practice ChoiceElectronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) improves patient safety and care. It plays an important part in helping to fight America’s opioid abuse epidemic by eliminating the exposure of a practitioner’s signature and DEA number. 21 million original prescriptions for opioids were written, not including refills, in a state with 19.5 million residents, according to the impetus for New York. NY State calls for mandatory electronic prescribing for controlled substances (EPCS) beginning March 27, 2016.


The purpose of this notification is to provide you with an update on electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) capabilities with you EHR.

Providers in the state of NY will be required to apply or re-apply for a waiver by March 26, 2017 if they are not using an alternative solution for EPCS.  e-MDs is currently working on modifying the Medisoft Clinical and Lytec MD products for a work flow to allow EPCS to be integrated to the current eRx work flow. Please find a link to the most-updated documentation from the state of NY on information with instructions on applying for a waiver:https://www.health.ny.gov/professionals/narcotic/electronic_prescribing/docs/epcs_faqs.pdf (page 24 – single practitioners, page 35 – two or more practitioners in a group).  For any questions related to the waiver application process, please contact NY at narcotic@health.ny.gov.


Microwize will be able to assist with signing up for an alternative Stand-Alone solution for the electronic prescription of controlled substances, such as Dr. First, if the route of a waiver is not preferred.  Users are be responsible for all fees associated with the stand-alone solution including but not limited to:

  • Onboarding costs
  • User/License fees to submit EPCS
  • Identity Proofing Fees


Other states may soon follow suit, so practitioners need to be ready. While only 1.4% of providers have the tools necessary to send electronic prescriptions, the number is increasing. In order to process electronic prescriptions for controlled substances a prescriber must use certified electronic prescribing software that meets all federal requirements and must register with NY State. Registration includes attestation of receipt of DEA certification or a third party audit that the electronic prescription software being used meets federal security requirements.

Medisoft Clinical and Lytec EMRs are read for e-Prescribing under eMDs Practice Choice E-Prescribe. There are training videos available here. The software uses two security measures – Identity Proofing and Two-Factor Authentication and requires that users have an annual license for Norton/Symantec EPCS (Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances).

As well, Greenway Health’s Prime Suite software is EPCS ready and fully compliant with DEA rules. To learn more about EPCS rules and the EMR software available, contact a sales representative at Microwize Technology. Call 800-955-0321.

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