Office-Based Doctors Satisfied with EHRs

EHRA recent survey indicates that most office-based physicians using Electronic Health Records software are somewhat or very satisfied with the technology.  The survey by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 55% of respondents used an EHR system in 2011; of those, 47% said they were somewhat satisfied with their system, and 38% were very satisfied.

Over 70% of those using at least some EHR technology said that they would purchase their EHR systems again, and more than three-quarters stated that their systems met federal meaningful use requirements.  Almost half of the respondents who did not have an EHR system implemented said that they planned to buy one, or use an already-purchased system, within the next year.  Other results regarding the physicians currently using EHRs include 74% who remotely accessed patients’ charts in their systems within the past month and 41% who were alerted to potential medication errors by their EHRs within the past month.

Microwize Technology is a top healthcare IT consultant and value-added reseller for EHR / EMR software like McKesson Practice Choice, Allscripts MyWay, and Lytec MD.

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