Over 100K Providers Receiving Incentives

doctor with moneyThe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced this week that over 100,000 healthcare providers have received meaningful use incentive payments.  Less than three months ago, the goal of 100,000 healthcare providers using Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems meaningfully by the end of 2012 was proposed in a ‘blog post by acting administrator Marilyn Tavenner and coordinator Farzad Nostashari, M.D., Sc.M. of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

The Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs have paid out more than $5.7 billion to over 110,000 eligible healthcare professionals and over 2,400 eligible hospitals since January 2011, and the ONC’s Dr. Mostashari credited the programs with “jump-starting” the adoption and use of EHR systems.  According to the CMS, these figures account for 20% of providers and almost half of all eligible hospitals in the country.

Microwize Technology can assist with the installation and implementation of certified EHR systems like McKesson Practice Choice, Medisoft Clinical, and Allscripts MyWay, and offers professional training as well.

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