Researchers Developing Biometric Wristband

biometric braceletA wearable biometric bracelet is being developed to communicate with the wearer’s medical devices and potentially push data out to the patient’s record.  By uniquely identifying the wearer, the device could prevent data from being imported into the wrong records.

Dartmouth College computer scientist Cory Cornelius and other researchers are developing technology to match a person’s bioimpedance (the physiological response of the body to electric current passing through tissues) to a unique individual.  The team’s research paper notes that “Significant impedance differences exist between the varying tissue types, anatomic configurations, and tissue state, each of which may provide a unique mechanism for distinguishing between people.”  The existing technology has been demonstrated to recognize individuals in a household accurately around 85% of the time.  The biometric technology could be used to allow monitoring devices on the same person to recognize each other and securely share information with each other and with an Electronic Medical Records system.

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