Maximizing Productivity

When it comes to finding the best computer setup for workplace efficiency, every little bit helps. With so many workers spending their day in front of a computer, it is more important than ever that we find a way to make computer usage as efficient as possible; technology can only help up to the user’s capacity. How, then, can we increase the user’s capacity?
The easiest way to help productivity is also free! Remove clutter from your workplace. This is unfortunately difficult to do with a bulky computer tower sitting on the desk, or clumsily tucked underneath so it is kicked every time you adjust in your seat. The truth is, computers have gotten smaller, and it is time we take advantage of that. By having a smaller computer (the small box below the monitors seen in the picture) the clutter of the workspace is diminished, which results in more productivity and happier employees.
The Best Desk Setup
An employee can only work on what they can see, so why limit your field of vision? The average computer monitor has a screen size smaller than twenty-four inches. This means a limited field of vision which means less productivity. You may think the answer is simple, get a bigger monitor; you would be half right. Simply buying a bigger monitor will increase the field of vision your computer monitor can accommodate, but a curved screen can increase the field of vision while assisting in other ways, too.
A flat monitor, even the standard sized flat monitors, distort the image on the screen which leads to increased eye strain. Flat monitors emit the image both at and past the viewer. The direct line of sight means that unless the view is looking directly center, there is a small amount of distortion to the image, which gets worse as the image gets closer to the edge. (Many of you at this point are scanning the edges of your monitor trying to see the distortion, we will wait).
The Impact of Curved Screen Monitors
Honestly, most computer users do not even notice the distortion, what they do notice is the eye strain from the constant adjustments the eye is making to compensate. A bigger flat monitor will only make matters worse: the more drastic the angle, the harder your eyes need to work. If the standard monitor is limiting, and the bigger monitor strains our eyes, are we just doomed to a life of eye strain and less than ideal productivity? Luckily, there is another option: curved monitors. Curved monitors direct all their light towards the viewer, eliminating distortion and widening the screen by approximately 33%. More screen space, and easier on the eyes: we are now on our way to a more productive workstation.
As a busy Medical Biller, the extra screen space will give you ease of use and increased productivity, but why stop at one monitor? By adding a second monitor, productivity is shown to increase by 29%. A second monitor means you can run multiple programs at once or reference one document while typing another. For example, you can have your patient’s demographics or EOB and your medical billing software on the second screen. The uses of a two-monitor setup can go on and on, and the benefits of having two monitors are just amazing.
Laptops vs. Desktops
We always get the question “should I buy a desktop or laptop computer?” The answer is always desktop unless you must be mobile. Laptops are harder on the eyes, shoulders, neck, and back, especially if you are working more than two hours per day.
Cleaner desktops, wider monitors, curved monitors, and a second screen all add up to increased productivity, which is why we consider it the best desktop setup. Why stop there? Join our managed IT service and increase your productivity by another 20%! Are you ready to focus on your practice?
Call us now 800-955-0321
Written by: Benjamin Dunlap