MIPS Reporting 2019

If MACRA is not paying you, it is costing you. See how you could be getting paid up to 7% more from Medicare, and how other practices are using Microwize [...]

MIPS Track, What’s the MACRA Quality Payment Program?


MIPs, is one of the MACRA tracks, during this webinar recording, we will take you into a deep dive into the composite score and four performance categories that make up the Merit-Based Incentive System which include: Quality, Clinical Improvement Activities, Cost, and Advancing Care Information.
We will go over how they relate to Meaningful Use and PQRS,

MIPS and APMs: Which Path Will You Choose?

Starting in 2019 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will begin with its new reimbursement system and as with current programs, there will be both bonuses and penalties under the Quality Payment Program. This new system rewards provider for delivering high quality and cost effective care. The system will replace the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS),

EHRs, Interoperability and MACRA

Recently, the American Academy of Family Physicians recommended to The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) that interoperability measures be more patient-centric in order to forward care coordination and continuity. At the ONC’s Annual meeting on May 31st it was said by Epic Vice President that the concept of interoperability needs to be widened to include “interoperability of knowledge” which he feels are methods to determine which of the vast amounts of data are actually important.

Do mHealth Apps Fall under HIPAA Laws?

The short answer…yes! In February of this year, The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a document covering just this very topic. The longer answer…as mHealth grows, so do the number of questions surrounding privacy of records, the relationships of app developers and covered entities under the act, and the scenarios in which the definitions might be made.

NY State EPCS goes electronic controlled substances

NY State EPCS goes electronic controlled substances

Electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) improves patient safety and care. It plays an important part in helping to fight America’s opioid abuse epidemic by eliminating the exposure of a practitioner’s signature and DEA number. 21 million original prescriptions for opioids were written, not including refills,

ONC Releases 2016 Interoperability Standards

Interoperability refers to systems that allow providers to share data among different practitioners, insurers, billing/scheduling systems and health information exchanges improving quality of patient care, improving efficiency of reporting and data filing, and making life saving information more readily available.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) recently released its 80-page 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory.

Meaningful Use Down for the Count

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) they have been working with physician and consumer communities and have listened to their needs and concerns – and this has led to the demise of Meaningful Use.

This came on the heels of American Medical Association (AMA) President Steven J.

Hardship Exemption Signed into Law by Obama

Legislation was recently passed which will allow hardship exemptions from financial penalties for failing to meet Stage 2 meaningful use electronic health record (EHR) requirements in 2015.  Spearheaded by Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.)  and as reported on Practice of the Future, “A patient-centered health care system relies on the principles of quality and responsiveness.