Ditching Paper Has Benefits

paperworkThe paperless office, often seen as unattainable, can increase efficiency and accuracy while lowering long-term costs, but security and organization need to be considered.  By utilizing Electronic Health Records software, physicians can streamline patient information and more easily transfer information to and from pharmacies and laboratories, and even other providers through a Health Information Exchange (HIE).

Switching away from paper-based charts can involve a significant investment in terms of time and money.  Physicians and their staff need training to use the new systems and adapt their workflows, and HIPAA security rules to safeguard patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI) must be fully implemented and enforced.  However, the benefits of a well-implemented EHR are manifold, including the above-mentioned increase in efficiency and decrease in costs, financial incentives from the federal government for demonstrated meaningful use, reductions in medical errors, and better patient healthcare.

And what of the thousands upon thousands of existing paper charts in your office?  ScanMyCharts medical record chart scanning can scan those paper records for you in a secure, HIPAA-compliant fashion and maintain the look and feel of your old charts in the electronic results, making the transition to an EHR that much smoother.  Visit scanmycharts.com for more information.

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