Proper EMR software installation could mitigate costly side effects

While electronic medical records software is expected to help doctors increase their medical practice management, reduce errors and provide a more streamlined healthcare experience for patients, doctors may want to take preparations against certain side effects that experts say may arise.

According to a recent white paper published by AC Group, an Texas-based consulting firm, doctors making the switch to electronic medical records software may need to take extra precautions during the transition. InformationWeek reports that the paper indicates that the timelines associated with EMR software implementation could raise physicians’ risk for medical malpractice lawsuits.

For example, the paper suggests that while the software may reduce the likelihood of certain medical errors, it could create a number of new forms of liability for doctors, InformationWeek says.

“As is often the case, technology is advancing more rapidly than our ability to identify and address the medico-legal issues,” the paper’s authors wrote, according to the media outlet. “The result of this uneven progression is that physicians and other stakeholders may be unknowingly exposed to medical liability risk.”

One of the main reasons the authors say malpractice could become more common is that the quick deadlines enforced by government agencies may inspire some doctors to cut corners when conducting the process under stress or on their own. As a result, doctors may be able to reduce their liability by choosing to work with a trusted EMR software provider that provide guidance and installation.

By working with a company with a proven track record of the successful implementation of Lytec EMR or Medisoft software, doctors may be able to reduce their risk that unnecessary complications arise after their software is installed.

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