SEMI helping Michigan docs with eprescribing initiatives

With prescription drug abuse becoming increasingly problematic, organizations across the country have been attempting to develop programs that increase the safety and efficiency with which medication is prescribed.

One such organization in Michigan is the Steering Committee of the Southeast Michigan eprescribing Initiative (SEMI) – a coalition including groups such as General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Blue Cross Blue Shield and many others – that promote safer prescribing methods by engaging in the practice electronically.

According to a press release, SEMI has been active for nearly seven years. And after being recognized for stimulating both quality and security benefits, the organization has enjoyed a 33 percent enrollment increase from 2011 with 7,500 local physicians involved in the group.

One such physician is SEMI participant Dr. Kevin Frankel of Oakland Southfield Physicians who expressed in the release how eprescribing has helped him keep better track of patients and reduce medication errors.

"My colleague and I use eprescribing for nearly all of the medications we prescribe for our patients, and it has significantly reduced the time we spend writing prescriptions," said Frankel. "We spend less time on phone calls related to the medications we prescribe, and it has made it easier for our office staff to manage refills for our patients. This technology also helps us better understand what our patients are taking, and if they are using their medications properly and as often as they should, which leads to better care and fewer errors – both of which are valuable features for our busy practice."

However, when deploying eprescribing software, facility managers will likely need assistance with product implementation and staff training. As such, it would be wise for managers considering this transition to partner with a medical technology consulting firm that can provide the resources needed to enjoy all the benefits of esprescribing software with as few growing pains as possible.

Microwize Technology is a leading healthcare IT consultant offering products such as electronic medical records software and medical billing software from top providers like Allscripts and McKesson, including McKesson's Medisoft, Lytec and Practice Choice products.