I Used Medisoft X Number of Years Ago, Is It Different Now?

Are you interested in using Medisoft again, but are concerned it’s changed too much? Well, we’re here to tell you it hasn’t! Most of the features and functions of the software are exactly the same as you remember! This begs the question: Well then, what has changed? Why should we buy/use the most recent version of Medisoft?  

Most of the changes that we’re going to highlight are features that have been added (or slightly modified) to make your job as a biller, or practice manager, easier and more streamlined! 

The AR Tracker
Medisoft AR tracker

The AR tracker is a very powerful tool to ensure that billing is being followed up on in a timely manner, much like the standard, hard-copy aging report. This tool allows the user to quickly find open balances with insurance, and with patients. It also provides the user with all information necessary for follow-up, such as: patient phone number, insurance phone number, insurance ID, patient date of birth, and claim information.  

Additionally, the AR tracker allows the practice to create custom workflows and follow-up time frames for any instance that may occur with an insurance claim or patient balance. With the help of completely customizable tasks, statuses, and due dates, claims can be assigned to anyone within the practice, all of which can be tracked right from one screen! This powerful tool is one of our favorite features within Medisoft. 

Patient Alert Codes 

Medisoft patient alert codes

Medisoft patient alert codes

Patient alert codes allow your practice to create and utilize custom alerts for any scenario you may need! These alerts can be displayed in Office Hours or Medisoft based on your own selections. These can be used for any reason, whether collecting a large balance from a patient or updating insurance, the options are endless! 

Search Patient by Date of Birth 

This feature has been highly anticipated by many users of Medisoft over the years. In the most recent update of the software, it is now available! In any window you would normally search for patients, it now lists date of birth as one of the search criteria. 

Medicare MBI Validation and Insurance Image Storing 

Medisoft Medicare MBI Validation

Medicare MBI Validation Medisoft

MBI validation is a quick way to ensure data entry is being done correctly the first time. With the switch to MBI Medicare numbers, a large number of practices have issues with the accuracy of entering the correct numbers vs. letters. The validation built into the field ensures that it is done correctly!  

Additionally, we are now able to store images of patients’ insurance cards or driver licenses right in the patient case. You can utilize duplex scanning to enter the front and back of the patients’ card in one image, reducing the amount of inaccurate data. Now, you can ensure that the patients’ claims are being sent to the right insurance carrier, with the correct patient ID from one area of the software. Say goodbye to the days of scouring the internet to find the right claims address or payer ID for your patients’ claims! 

Move Patient Charges 

Routinely, within practices, there are patients’ claims that are filed to a recently-cancelled insurance plan. With the ‘move charges’ feature it is now quick and easy to reassign charges and their associated payments into a new case. This will allow your billing staff to quickly and easily rebill insurance claims to the correct carrier. Gone are the days of having to manually re-enter charges and having duplicate records in patients’ accounts. Not only does this feature expedite claim correction, but it also ensures that reports are pulling accurate information when it comes to tracking procedure codes and payments on specific codes.  

Contact us today for a live demo with a product specialist here at Microwize where we will show you new features in real time, and can answer any questions you have related to any other changes or differences you are concerned about with the new version of the software! 

Written by: Kimberly Vargas

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