Microwize is one of the 29 International Companies to Sign an Agreement with Egypt’s ITIDA

Microwize Technology, Inc, is one of the 29 businesses that signed an agreement with the Information Technology Industry Development Agency of Egypt (ITIDA), to offer remote employee services to medical practices and medical billing companies. The signing agreements were witnessed by Egypt’s Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly, and other high-profile figures from the Egyptian governments and signed by Mr. Amir Gadallah, General Manager, on behalf of Microwize.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced most of us to acknowledge that remote work is no longer an experiment, but a requirement in many businesses, and even medical practices and billing services need to work remotely. While it represents a huge change, the results are very promising.

Microwize has been a leader in healthcare IT and medical software since 1997 with a very high customer service satisfaction rate that averages 97% over the years. “Due to the nature of the business and the suite of products we provide,” Robert Gabriel President and CEO stated that “it was difficult to pick a country to match the high standards that Microwize clients are used to having.” Mr. Gabriel noted that Egypt was shortlisted for many reasons, including: the availability of a workforce population with higher educations including medical-related and engineering degrees; many Egyptians speaking better English than many other countries where English isn’t the primary language; and the time zone difference between major cities in the USA and Microwize’s offices in Cairo.

With pricing as low as $525 per remote full-time employee per week, Microwize takes the burden off medical practices or billing services while introducing the best processes and technologies to help them thrive during the difficult financial times we are all facing. Microwize is also shouldering the high employment costs that medical practices are happy to give up, such as medical, dental, and workers comp insurances and unemployment-related administrative fees and challenges.

As Mr. Gabriel notes, remote work is a completely new concept for most employees; however, with the latest and greatest technology, the remote employee is constantly connected to the practice via camera and/or phone. The practice can always see and communicate with the employee as if they are in the same room, and the practice gets to enjoy the flexibility and financial savings. Mr. Gabriel stated that “Many of the remote employees’ positions we filled were to cover for sick employees and work augmentations. Now Microwize is ready to offer qualified offshore labor to larger medical groups and billing services, to assist with front desk or back-office functions while maintaining high standards.”

Microwize Technology looks forward to a long and mutually-beneficial relationship with ITIDA.