The Best Guide to Outsourcing Medical Billing
Why Do I Have to Pay a Fee to Use CPT Codes?
It is a question I have often heard from practices since 2018, and the simple answer is greed. The American Medical Association (AMA) realized they could charge doctors a licensing fee and saw no reason not to dig deeper into the pockets of America’s healthcare providers.
What is the AMA?
The simple answer is that the AMA is a corporation.
Working in Medical Billings: Tips, Pros, & Cons
Medical billing and coding are the cornerstone of any medical practice, ensuring that insurers pay doctors and hospitals properly.
A well-run billing department is a great asset to any practice and is crucial to long-term success. We interviewed our medical billing team at Microwize to get their feedback on the medical billing and coding questions everyone wants answers to.
The Great Resignation and Your Practice
Some people refer to it as the “Big Quit,” while others call it “The Great Resignation.”
If you missed the ”60 Minutes” segment on Sunday, January 9th, it discussed why more Americans are quitting their jobs. Many businesses are having difficult finding skilled workers to hire. To summarize the segment:
- More and more “baby boomers” have decided to retire and not go back to work
- Many moms decided to stay home and not go back to the workforce
- Others relocated to areas with more affordable housing,
Medical Reimbursement by VCC Costs Practices Money
Insurance carriers are increasingly resorting to reimbursing medical claims using virtual credit cards (VCCs), but the convenience to healthcare providers is offset by the loss of some of that medical reimbursement to transaction fees.
While being paid via VCC is a more efficient reimbursement than the paper checks of yore, they aren’t legally considered “electronic”
Telemedicine Coding Update
Please join me today to talk about Vosita Telemedicine and how to signup for free and how to code and bill.
How to Join Vosita Telemedicine
How to start a Telemedicine visit
How to bill and code for Telemedicine
Recorded meeting: From2:00PM EST March 27,