2016 EHR Trends Include Mobile Access

EHR Trends Include Mobile Access by Physicians and Patients

prime-suite-mobile-healthA well-known research firm, Black Book forecasts the healthcare cloud market in the U.S. and Europe to grow nearly 24 percent by 2020. By living in the cloud, EHR records are accessible by physicians and patients alike. And making the accessibility even more convenient is the ability to reach the data records via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The world is advancing in almost every sector and same is the case with the healthcare sector, the digital trends are upgrading.

As more and more records are accessed in this manner, it is imperative that interfaces are easy to use and mobile friendly. Patients not only want access to records, but want to be able to schedule appointments online. Patients want mHealth, a term used for the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices. Doctors need to be able to access diagnosis entries, view schedules and track patient progress all while on the go, empowering them to work efficiently while traveling between offices, hospitals and the like.

Many conferences are set that explore the role of technology in healthcare. The Digital Health World Congress is set for June 2016 in London and will include keynote speakers from Intel, Samsung, The Mayo Clinic and more speaking on topics such as Emerging Opportunities & Solutions in Digital Health Ecosystem, The Role of Internet of Things in Digital Health Market, and Understanding the Role of mHealth, TeleHealth and eHealth in Digital Health Ecosystem. The mHealth + Telehealth World 2016 Conference will take place in Boston in July and will include topics such as ‘Exploring ways to shift the perception of digital health from an added benefit to the standard method of receiving health care services’ and ‘Uniting mobile and Telehealth services to increase access and better coordinate care’.

Top EHRs including the award winning Greenway PrimeSuite, Medisoft and Lytec all offer mobile access for physicians and patients. Contact the Microwize sales department for more information about the cloud-computing capability of these products.

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