Microwize Announces Expansion in IT Offerings to Medical Practices Regardless of the Type of Medical Applications They are Using Now


Microwize Technology – A Healthcare IT firm providing managed IT services and cloud computing for medical practices with 10 to 100 computers located in Paramus, New Jersey – announces an expansion in IT offerings to medical practices regardless of the type of medical applications they are using now.

Lytec Tips & Tricks December 2018

Lytec Free Training Lytec User Group/ Tips & Tricks December 2018 Lytec Year-End Reports Agenda: Best Year End Practice Reports Maximizing Insurance Reimbursement Customized Reports Best Features Added to Lytec [...]
What should be included in patient satisfaction survey

What should be included in patient satisfaction survey?

What should be included in patient satisfaction survey? Do you remember the last time you noticed how your practice going on with your patients. Guess it’s been a while. You may think it is not compulsory, however, the patient satisfaction surveys are crucial to identify what the good things and/or areas are in your practice and what should be improved in your and/or other’s practice to achieve better patient satisfaction.

Power of patient Portal

Many practices are beginning to enjoy the power of patient portal provides to better engage with patients — even to collect payments. But for Jennifer Cossin, billing manager, it’s the portal’s potential that holds the most promise.

“Honestly, you absolutely need an online presence today,” Jennifer said. “But there are a lot of things that we could do with our portal,