EMR vs EHR? Understand the Difference

EMR vs EHR? To begin differentiating between the two, it’s important to understand the shift in the medical industry. The growing advancements in the medical field within the past 50 years [...]

MIPS and APMs: Which Path Will You Choose?

Starting in 2019 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will begin with its new reimbursement system and as with current programs, there will be both bonuses and penalties under the Quality Payment Program. This new system rewards provider for delivering high quality and cost effective care. The system will replace the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS),

EHRs in the Cloud

EHR in the cloud, unlike a local server or personal computer, cloud computing uses remotely hosted third-party servers to store data in large data centers. The data is then shared with other devices and consumed by customers on-demand over the internet much like electricity is shared over a grid. As a quick example, imagine the time,

Population Health Management Tools Make All the Difference

Population Health represents a change in the focus from the individual-level, characteristic of most mainstream medicine. With Population Health, doctors strive to care for not only the patients in front of them, in their offices – but also to those patients that have not been in the office lately to make sure they are getting the care they need and preventing many chronic conditions.

2016 EHR Trends Include Mobile Access

EHR Trends Include Mobile Access by Physicians and Patients

A well-known research firm, Black Book forecasts the healthcare cloud market in the U.S. and Europe to grow nearly 24 percent by 2020. By living in the cloud, EHR records are accessible by physicians and patients alike. And making the accessibility even more convenient is the ability to reach the data records via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

NY State EPCS goes electronic controlled substances

NY State EPCS goes electronic controlled substances

Electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) improves patient safety and care. It plays an important part in helping to fight America’s opioid abuse epidemic by eliminating the exposure of a practitioner’s signature and DEA number. 21 million original prescriptions for opioids were written, not including refills,

ONC Releases 2016 Interoperability Standards

Interoperability refers to systems that allow providers to share data among different practitioners, insurers, billing/scheduling systems and health information exchanges improving quality of patient care, improving efficiency of reporting and data filing, and making life saving information more readily available.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) recently released its 80-page 2016 Interoperability Standards Advisory.

EHRs Move to the Cloud

Cloud computing refers to the process of sharing resources to optimize performance. Instead of relying on a single machine, cloud-based systems utilize a network of computers to store and process information. This shift offers significant benefits to medical practices, particularly those with limited operating budgets.


One major advantage of cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems is their cost-effectiveness.