Meaningful Use Attestation Date Extended

March 20th is now the deadline date set for 2014 Meaningful Use Attestation.  The date was originally set at February 28th, but Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) extended the deadline to allow providers more time to gather and submit their data.  During this extension period, providers an also utilize their one “switch” from Medicare to Medicaid or Vice Versa. 

Anthem Breach Reminds Many of Importance of Security

Weaknesses in cyber security surely exist and the recent Anthem breach has many believing that this is just the start of an awful trend.  As well as the actual medical and miscellaneous personal information, social security numbers and financial information (for payment to providers) are all in one place – providing the winning trifecta for hackers. 

EHR Certification Recommendations

Under the 2009 economic stimulus package, medical providers who demonstrate meaningful use of certified Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems can qualify for Medicaid and Medicare incentive payments.  The American Medical Association (AMA) is leading a coalition of 35 medical societies and this group recently sent a letter to the National Coordinator for Health IT recommending major changes to the certification program.

Could ICD-10 Delay Be a Threat to Our National Security?

Though there have been delays and many continue to lobby for further delays citing that ICD-10 ‘costs too much’, has ‘too many codes’, and has ‘too many other mandates’, there are many that are championing the new code set.  One such advocate states that another delay could threaten national security.

Juliet Santos of consultancy Leidos Health recently published an article at ICD-10 Monitor that states,

Will ICD-10 Be Delayed?

Though groups like the Texas Medical Association and the National Physicians’ Council for Healthcare Policy have been lobbying for a two-year delay for ICD-10 diagnostic and procedure codes implementation, the proposal seems to not be going forward in Congress.

House Rules Committee Chair Pete Sessions (R-Texas) and House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (R-Mich.) stated that the House Energy and Commerce Committee “has been working with CMS to ensure the Oct.

Meaningful Use Audit Information

Any provider who received electronic health record (EHR) incentive payments for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program or the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program may be subject to an audit.  According to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website ( Figliozzi and Company will be performing the meaningful use audits and if you are selected for an audit,

ICD-10 – Making the Switch

ICD-10 is the largest healthcare mandate in history and while many healthcare professionals are concentrating on ObamaCare requirements, just as many and more are focusing on ICD-10 requirements as meeting them is directly connected to their revenue stream.  Documentation requirements are high, but the shift can be made easier with proper planning and implementation.

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