Business 101 for Medical Practices
If a medical practice is a business and for-profit, why is the business aspect of running a practice ignored in medical schools? I also want physicians who are business-savvy to stay independent while controlling the physician/patient relationship. There are some exceptions to the “business education” shortcomings. It was assumed by most medical teaching programs that when the physician started in the practice/business of medicine,
MACRA, The New Payment Reform: How To Avoid Penalties
Microwize Announces Launch of Medisoft Academy, An eLearning Platform
Vosita Announces Integration with Medisoft™ Practice Management Software
Vosita now integrates with Medisoft™ Patient Accounting and Scheduling Software to avoid redundant booking and fewer clicks
Vosita Healthcare Inc, is a privately owned company featuring an online appointment booking service that connects patients with providers. Patients can search for available providers by specialty,
Vosita Announces Integration with Lytec™ Practice Management Software
Vosita now integrates with Lytec™ Patient Accounting and Scheduling Software to avoid redundant booking and fewer clicks
PARAMUS, NEW JERSEY, USA, November 19, 2020 / — Vosita Healthcare Inc, is a privately owned company featuring an online appointment booking service that connects patients with providers.
Contingency Plans and Remote Work
Tips and Tricks Meeting (User Group)
Now more than ever, having flexibility in your medical practice can save the day. Being adaptable could be the difference between business interruption and being a stable health care provider for your patients. Let technology put your practice on the leading edge of medicine while making your practice a safer more efficient place to work and visit.